
Uncharted DIY is for DIY enthusiasts tackling uncommon projects, utilizing common tools and often on a limited budget

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More DIY Projects and Product Reviews

Welcome to Uncharted DIY, dedicated to helping you to achieve DIY success!

Do you have an unusual DIY project but can’t seem to find useful how-to information? Do you want to Do It Yourself, Differently? There are so many benefits and reasons to DIY, so you’ve come to the right place! 

Here you’ll find DIY How-To Projects, Product Reviews, Plans, and Links to useful tools and materials. If there is something you’d like to see, let me know in the comments or contact form. 

Do It Yourself, but not alone — let’s build something great together! 

"Uncharted Steve" DiMasi
“Uncharted Steve” DiMasi
"Uncharted Steve" DiMasi
“Uncharted Steve” DiMasi

Welcome to Uncharted DIY, dedicated to helping you to achieve DIY success!

Do you have an unusual DIY project but can’t seem to find useful how-to information? Do you want to Do It Yourself, Differently? There are so many benefits and reasons to DIY, so you’ve come to the right place! 

Here you’ll find DIY How-To Projects, Product Reviews, Plans, and Links to useful tools and materials. If there is something you’d like to see, let me know in the comments or contact form. 

Do It Yourself, but not alone — let’s build something great together! 

Uncharted DIY is for DIY enthusiasts tackling uncommon projects, utilizing common tools and often on a limited budget

Uncharted DIY is for DIY enthusiasts tackling uncommon projects, utilizing common tools and often on a limited budget


  1. rick
    04/04/2022 @ 2:45 pm

    i watched your video about the compost barrel but i am not sure where you could pick up the barrel from or the aerator that fits inside it could you give me some ideas on where to find these items at


  2. Uncharted Steve
    04/04/2022 @ 3:08 pm

    Hi Rick,

    The barrel I used was from a company called “Container Reclaimer” that sells used barrels and totes. I don’t know if they have any other locations or if they are just local.

    For used, I would recommend Craigslist, Nextdoor or other local ad listings for used barrels, but regardless of where you get one, I highly recommend making sure that it was only used for food-safe uses. Sometimes these types of barrels are used for chemicals, and I don’t think they’d ever be safe for compost.

    Otherwise, Home Depot has new ones, but they are more expensive. Use search terms such as shipping barrels, poly barrels, shipping containers, etc.

    As for the aerator, I’m not sure what you are referring to, but you can download the free plans that list everything along with photos and commonly used descriptions. That way you can bring the list to the hardware store and use it as a shopping list.

    I hope that helps,


  3. Lee Pennington
    10/30/2022 @ 11:08 pm

    Hi Steve,

    Watched your Youtube video about your “DYI Shaker Table.

    I must have watched 25 (or more) Youtube videos before finding yours, and I have to say, Yours is the BEST!

    As soon as your Youtube video was over, I purchased your “Shaker Table Plans & Tutorial Membership”

    And again, you did NOT disappoint! I watched every video and went through the PDF in one setting.

    I have to say, you make everything look simple!

    I’ll be building my own (just like yours) instead of buying one for $2500.00+

    I’m sure the pre-built metal ones are good, but this one should work just as well for a lot less.

    Thanks for creating all of the videos and PDF! Worth every penny!!!



  4. Lauren Bennetts
    03/16/2025 @ 8:54 pm

    I watched the video on the broken cord loop. My problem is my son used both sides to go up and down and now the cords won’t move at all. Do you have any tips to fix this? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Lauren


    • Uncharted Steve
      03/18/2025 @ 4:44 pm

      Hi Lauren, I’m not sure what could have happened. I only know how to repair the cord loop since I experimented when our dogs broke ours. That said, the mechanism in the top of the blinds is more basic than I had thought before I got into fixing the cord loop.

      My suggestion would be to take your shades down and take a look inside the top area where the mechanism is. Check to see if the cords might have tangled or come off their pulleys. Wiggle the rod around to see if anything appears broken or jammed. My guess is that the problem will be pretty obvious once you can see the inner workings. Hopefully it is a simple fix.

      Again, I’m not an expert, but if you don’t see what the issue might be you could post some clear images on this page and I’ll be happy to see if anything stands out to me. The photos should be taken from multiple points of view, some wide angle showing the whole top and some close up.

      Either way, please let me know what you find so it might help out other people in a situation similar to yours. May it be super easy!


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