Broken Cord Loop Repair for Shades and Blinds
Can’t raise or lower shades due to a broken cord loop? Easy DIY replacement for under $10!
Can’t raise or lower shades due to a broken cord loop? Easy DIY replacement for under $10!
Mason and Leafcutter bees are just two amazing solitary orchard bee species. They boast an impressive 95% pollination rate…
Birds hitting windows kills more birds than any other cause. Prevent injury or death with a simple, inexpensive DIY solution…
A squirrel proof solution that really works! Keep them out of the bird feeder! Super easy DIY, 2 hours and under $20…
Cats, raccoons, snakes and other predators raid nests, killing the birds and eating the eggs or young. Squirrels want the nest for themselves…
How to build a large nest box for Northern Flicker woodpeckers, using lightweight, inexpensive cedar pickets. Costs less than $30…